
há o perigo de um grito lindíssimo

quando andas assim comigo no invisível

Mário Cesariny


Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta Philip Holmes. Mostrar todas as mensagens
Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta Philip Holmes. Mostrar todas as mensagens

quinta-feira, 12 de junho de 2014

Take a line and take away
the middle third, and then
the middle thirds of two thirds
left behind, and middle thirds
of those four ninths remaining.
Go on and on: what’s left at last
is utterly disjoint – beginnings,
ends – each point divided from
the next, but oh! so close,
infinitely numerous
as what you started with
and carefully have pried apart.
Will there be time to measure up
this dust of unremembering?

* *

Take a line and take away the middle third,
and then the middle thirds of two thirds
left behind, and middle thirds of those four
ninths that still remain. Reiterate:
what’s left at last is utterly disjoint –
beginnings, ends and more – each point
divided from the next and yet uncountable
and numerous as what you had before.
Take a life and take the most part out,
for so it happens; only the best-rehearsed
of memories remain: a voice transformed
among the absences, a face, a hand.
You brought me here, but there was more:
dust that blows away, gaps that captivate.

Philip Holmes

domingo, 23 de março de 2014

Imperadores e Guerras. Decretos:
não sou capaz de entender a história.

Ele sentiu os farrapos da sabedoria
e viu os grandes frescos lentamente extinguindo-se

no frio das foscas igrejas, um monge
passeando no pátio; passou silvestres pomares,
vinha e figos, e ruídas ermidas
com o pico agudo da montanha sobre tudo.
Horas trepando, contra moscas e suor, chegou
ao escurecer. Toda a noite nuvens e chuva sopraram
e mesmo em frente, em baixo, ele viu o mar
rastejar silente sobre as enormes rochas,
e uma pequena ave cinzenta fitava-o, o estrangeiro.

Philip Holmes